Lesson 2

The Bible

February 5, 2024

God’s ruler keeps me straight and strong. God’s Word is a ruler that helps us mark out straight paths for our lives. And the Bible is the standard that never changes. It’s what we use to measure all things spiritual. How are you measuring up?

The Bible

The Bible

     The Bible is God’s Word to us! God chose just the right writers and gave them the ability to create one living Book, which perfectly speaks His exact Word straight to your heart. God's Word promises us He would never leave us! He loves us so much that he wrote a book just for us.

     It is God’s way of giving us a flashlight to walk the path of life! It tells us EVERYTHING we need to know. It tells us what to do to be happy. It tells us what to do if people are mean to us, or if we are afraid. It tells us what is right and what is wrong. It keeps us out of trouble. It tells us the right way to go and will even light our way. The Bible is our light in darkness. Darkness is like sin and all the bad things in the world. Light is everything that is good that God made, including God's rules.

     By reading the Bible it is like always having a flashlight with us. God gave us the Bible so that we may be able to find our way, and know what is good, and right. Pick up the Bible and read about God and you will see ALL the wonderful things He has done! He made us and has given us everything!

Read, Pray, Share!

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Memory Verse

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.””
– 2 Timothy 3:16
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