Lesson 1

Give Thanks to the Lord

February 5, 2024

How often do you say, "thank you"? God likes to hear your thanks. Why don’t you sail some thank-you mail to Him in prayer right now?

Give Thanks to the Lord


Do you say "thank you" very often? You probably say “thank you” when someone does something nice for you. Saying “thank you” also helps to remind us that what we have often comes from other people. Actually, what we have ALWAYS comes from God. Did you create and give yourself the sun so you could see during the day? Did you make your own legs so you could walk, skip and jump? Did you make your own eyes so you could read this page?

What does this verse mean?

None of us did any of these things. But God did. He’s the only one who could. Believe it or not these are all blessings from God to you. Even when someone does something for us, God gave that person the ability and the resources to do it. God gave that person strength for the day so that he or she could do something good. God also gives you the strength to say, “thank you.” So, remember to count your blessings! You will be happier! When you say “thank you” over the next few days, remember that God deserves our thanks too. So, sail some thank-you mail to Him in prayer right now!

Read, Pray, Share!

Worship Songs

Memory Verse

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. ”
– Psalm 136:1
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