Lesson 3 - 2nd Half

Jesus Loves

February 15, 2024

Hey, did you know God has a gift for you? God loves us too much to let us miss out on heaven, so He sent us a gift. That gift is a person—God’s own Son, Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins. All we have to do is believe in Jesus and reach out to accept Him like a gift. He’s better than any other gift we could ever get. Will you receive God’s gift right now? Please do. Jesus, God’s gift, is your only lift to heaven.

Jesus Loves

Jesus Loves

   As Christians, our goal should be to follow the examples Jesus lived out for us while He walked the earth. A Christian’s life should look different than the life of someone who is not a Christian. When you choose to follow Jesus, the decisions you make, the reactions you have, and the way you prioritize things look different than those who are not following Jesus. Jesus gives us the inside scoop on the two most important parts of living the Christian life. It’s all about LOVE!

    Jesus says that the first and greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. Jesus showed He loved God by spending time reading His Word, the Bible. Jesus also showed His love for God by worshiping Him. Jesus and His disciples sang songs of praise to God. Jesus also took time to pray. He loved talking to the Father. So, reading your Bible, singing worship songs and praying are all great ways to show your love for God.

    The second commandment is to love people. Jesus showed His love by serving others, He helped the sick and poor, He included the outcasts, He told others about God the father and heaven, and He prayed for everyone. If Jesus found it so necessary to do these things, of course we should, too!

    Because of His great love for both the Father and for us, Jesus left heaven and came down to earth as a tiny baby. He lived a life that was a shining example of how to love God and love others, and He ultimately committed the greatest act of love when He went to the cross and gave up His life for us. That’s LOVE!

Read, Pray, Share!

Memory Verse

“For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”
– John 3:16
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