Lesson 10 - 2nd Half

Jesus Sends the Helper

April 24, 2024

Have you ever heard the word stifle? It means to choke or murder by strangling. How can we kill God the Holy Spirit? We can’t. But we can choke out the work he wants to do through us. The Holy Spirit is all-powerful, yet he operates in our hearts so gently that he’s like a flickering candle. Because the Spirit of God is holy just like God the Father, He won’t have anything to do with sin. The Holy Spirit never leaves you, but sin can certainly dampen his plans for you. Whenever you sin, admit it to God. Each time he’ll forgive you and ignite his flame within you once again. I handle His candle with care.

Jesus Sends the Helper

Jesus Sends the Helper

     When you decide to follow Jesus, an amazing thing will happen. God will put a new spirit in you, and you will be reborn! God’s Holy Spirit will live in your heart. He will help you remember all the things that Jesus taught. He will also give you the power to live according to Jesus’s teachings. It’s hard to live out everything Jesus taught on our own, but that’s why we have the Holy Spirit; He’s, our helper!  

     Have you ever seen a beautiful fruit tree growing, with delicious, yummy fruit allover it? If we listen to God, we will be like a tree that always has delicious fruit. If we choose "God's Way" we will be happy and produce good fruits. We can't produce apples, oranges, lemons, or cherries! The fruits we will produce are "Fruits of the Spirit" - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And that is pretty cool, because an apple tree can only grow apples. And an orange tree can only grow oranges. But we will grow 9 different fruits!

How does physical fruit grow? Have you ever walked past a tree and heard it grunting and moaning and groaning trying to pop out a fruit. Me either! That’s because with the right inputs, physical fruit will grow naturally from the tree, no moaning and groaning necessary. Seeds, water, nutrients from the soil, and sunlight are some of the things needed for a fruit tree to grow its fruit.

How does spiritual fruit grow? When we talk about spiritual fruitlike love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control the same concept applies. We are like a tree, and we need certain inputs to keep us producing spiritual fruit. The power from the Holy Spirit, reading the Bible, spending time in prayer, going to church and having fellowship with other believers, and worshiping God are all things we need to produce spiritual fruit.  

     When people see the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, they will want to have some. They will want to taste it. They will want a tree like our tree., producing 9 different fruits. They will want Jesus in their heart too!    

Read, Pray, Share!

Memory Verse

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…”
– Galatians 5:22-23
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