Lesson 14

Jesus Prays

February 5, 2024

When you study God’s Word you can follow it like a map. You can learn about God’s plans for you. You can talk to Him in prayer! He will listen. But you’ve got to first stick God’s Word—the Bible-His map— inside your thinking cap, or it will never happen. I carry God’s map in my thinking cap.

Jesus Prays

Jesus Prays

What is prayer? Prayer is simply talking to God. That’s it. No fancy words! Just a conversation with God.

Who do we pray to? We pray to God the Father in Jesus’s name. We pray to God the Father just like Jesus did in Jesus’s name. Because Jesus made a way for us to have direct access to the Father.

When should we pray? ANYTIME! The Bible says we should pray ALL THE TIME! How is that possible? What the Bible means is that we should always keep God on our mind.

Where should we pray? ANYWHERE! You can, and should, pray wherever you are. God can hear your prayers anywhere.

Why do we pray? We pray because God loves to hear from us! He is your Father in heaven; He wants to be your best friend.  

Another reason we pray is because Jesus did! He prayed all the time. Jesus told us we should do the same. He even taught us how to pray.

So, let’s storm the gates of heaven with our prayers. Let’s tell God how great we think He is. Let’s confess where we’ve messed up and accept His unending forgiveness. Let’s thank Him for all the wonderful things we have. And ask Him for things that we want or need and things that others want or need.

Read, Pray, Share!

Worship Songs

Memory Verse

“In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me.”
– Jeremiah 29:12-13
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