Lesson 3

Year 1 Review

February 5, 2024
Year 1

Have you ever seen sparklers sparkling at night? Sparklers are a picture of the way God wants us to brightly shine in a dark world filled with people who don’t trust God.

Year 1 Review

Year 1 - A Journey with the Patriarchs & Moses

This lesson is an overview of Released Time Year 1 from the books of Genesis and Exodus.

The Bible – There are sixty-six books in the Bible. The Bible is divided into two parts, the Old Testament, and the New Testament.

Creation – God created the heavens and the earth by speaking the words “Let there be …”

Sin & Salvation – God’s perfect Son, Jesus, took the punishment for sin by dying on the cross. Then He rose from the dead, showing that He won the victory over sin and death.

Noah – God saved Noah, his family, and two of each kind of animal.

Abraham – God promised as many descendants as the stars, sand, and dust.

Jacob & Esau – Esau sold his birthright for stew.

Joseph – Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son.

Joseph & Pharaoh – God has a plan. He used Joseph to save the people from starvation.

Moses in a Basket – God makes a way.

Burning Bush – God hears His people cry.

The 10 Plagues – “Let My people go!”

Manna from Heaven – God provides!

Read, Pray, Share!

Worship Songs

Memory Verse

“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! ”
– Philippians 4:4
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