Lesson 2 - 2nd Half

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

February 8, 2024

Since few of us know much about sheep and shepherds, let’s just think about Jesus taking care of us the way a Seeing Eye dog cares for a person who is blind. Without a loyal guide dog always by their side, there are many things blind people couldn’t do. And without Jesus as our guide, we wouldn’t be able to get around the many problems that could trip us up. No matter what you’re going through, Jesus is the guide by your side forever.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

     A shepherd knows everything about all of his sheep. He knows each of his sheep by name. He knows their behavior and he can tell when something is wrong. He knows all the different sounds they make, and he knows what each sound means. He knows their likes and their dislikes. He can tell when one of his sheep is sick. He knows how to care for each of them, and he spends all of his time doing so.

    A shepherd will literally lay down his life for his sheep. And if one of his beloved sheep strays from the flock and gets lost, the shepherd does everything he can to find his lost sheep and bring it back to the flock.

     We are like sheep who need a shepherd to help us, protect us, and guide us, and Jesus tells us that He is that shepherd. Jesus wants us to realize that if we follow Him, He will care for us even better than a good shepherd cares for his sheep. Just as a shepherd knows and understands his sheep, Jesus knows and understands each and every one of us.

     Jesus knows everything about us, even the number of hairs on our head. You know what the best part is? Even though He knows every single thing about us, He still loves us more than we can even imagine! In fact, He loves us so much that He laid down His life to protect us. Jesus knew the only way for us to get to heaven was for our sins to be forgiven and paid for, so He went to the cross to be crucified to pay for our sins. That’s the best love we will ever know!

Read, Pray, Share!

Memory Verse

“I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me… ”
– John 10:14
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