Lesson 4

Year 2 Review

February 5, 2024

Just as God gives an ant strength, the Holy Spirit energized God’s antlike people to tirelessly do mighty “acts” beyond their natural strength and know-how. He shows me what to do and say to help my friends learn about the Bible.

Year 2 Review

Year 2 - A Journey through the Old Testament

This lesson is an overview of Released Time Year 2 through the Old Testament.

The 12 Spies – Only 2 of the 12 spies trusted God, and they made it to the Promised Land. The rest were forced to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, where they would die.

Rahab – She protected the spies and hid them from the soldiers. They saved her and her family when they invaded Jericho.

Crossing the Jordan River – God caused the water to stand in one heap. So, the Israelites crossed the Jordan River on dry land.

The Walls of Jericho – The Israelites followed God’s instructions and the walls of Jericho came tumbling down.

ABCD Cycle of Disobedience – Abandoned - Bondage – Cried - Delivered Ruth – Ruth chose to follow God!

Kings – Saul–No Heart David-Whole Heart

Soloman-Half Heart

Elijah – Shared God’s Word with the people.

Jonah – Disobeyed and ended up in the belly of a great fish.

King Josiah –Only 8 years old and became king.

Daniel – Daniel would only bow down and pray to the one true God!

Esther – She saved her people.

Job – He trusted God, no matter what happened.

Read, Pray, Share!

Worship Songs

Memory Verse

“But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. ”
– Acts 2:21
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