CVCE Curriculum
We offer a Bible-based, non-denominational curriculum that makes learning fun for kids.
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Did God Create Everything?
Did you know that a very long time ago nothing was around except God? Then when God decided the time was just right, He created everything. He made the little ball we live on called Planet Earth. He made every living thing on Earth. He also created the sky above and the oceans below. God made the sun, the moon, and the stars. God made the call to create every fish, bird, and animal. And when it was time to make people, God made that call too. None of this was an accident. In the beginning, only God was big enough to make the call that got the ball rolling. And He’s the only one big and powerful enough to keep it going, day after day. When God Spoke, the World Began!
Is Jesus God?
Almost everyone knows that 1 + 1 = 2. The basic laws of math never change, and neither does God. But heavenly math is different from earthly math. The Bible teaches that the one true God exists in three different persons: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If we showed this as a spiritual math equation, it would look like this: 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 From God’s point of view, this makes perfect sense. Jesus equals God, just as the Father equals God and the Holy Spirt equals God – one God in three persons who all exist at the same time. This mystery is hard to understand, but it’s clearly what God wants us to believe. I’m Good at Godly Math: Jesus = God
Is the Bible True?
Many years ago, a treasure hunter named Mel Fisher began looking for a Spanish ship full of gold and silver treasures. He believed it had sunk somewhere off the coast of Florida. For sixteen years he searched for it. One day he found it. It is now on record as the single largest treasure ever found, worth hundreds of millions of dollars. But even that treasure is nothing compared to the value of God’s Word – The Bible! The Bible is true and CAN be trusted! If you search the Bible, you will find a super-rich life walking with God. Dive deep for God’s treasure. I’m Diving Deep for Treasure to Keep!
Does God Really Exist?
One of the hardest things about being friends with God is getting used to the fact that He’s invisible – at least in this life. And furthermore, this God, whom we can’t see, requires that we follow Him by faith, not by sight. So what‘s that mean? It means that most of us aren’t told in advance exactly where He’s leading us or how He’s going to get us there. It’s a bit like blindfolding a close friend and taking that person on a “trust walk.” No true friend would ever purposely bump you into a stump or lead you off a cliff. And God is the same way. God seldom let’s us see what’s ahead. He simply wants us to trust instead. And when we do, He always gets us there safe and sound. Let Him lead you and change your life. It is undeniable that God exists! Just look up to the sky - The Heavens Declare the Glory of God!
Final Week
Jesus is alive today and has promised to come into the life of anyone who trusts in Him. Jesus says in the Bible, “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in…” (Revelation 3:20) Do you want to make a commitment to Jesus? Would you like to pray and ask Jesus to forgive your sins and to give you the gift of eternal life (Heaven)? This means that you want to trust in Jesus, turn from sin, and follow Him. Pray this prayer: Dear Jesus, forgive my sins, and come into my life as my Lord and Savior. Amen. Jesus says that the one who believes has everlasting life! Congratulations! NOW… Do you know for sure that you are going to be in heaven some day? And if God asked you, “Why should I let you into my heaven,” what would you say?
Why do Evil and Suffering Exist?
Have you ever had to get ready for something really big, like a soccer game or a piano recital? I am sure you spent weeks practicing. Getting ready is important so you will do your best. But there is something much more important than soccer or piano. As you get older, you’re going to get asked questions about what you believe. You will meet people who just want to know more because they are actually curious. And you’ll also meet some people who don’t believe what you believe. They don’t believe that Jesus ever existed or that the Bible is true. These people may ask questions to try to challenge your faith. Let’s get ready to talk about Jesus and the hope that you have! When people ask you why you are happy or why you do good things, be ready to tell them all about Jesus.
Most of us are acquainted with mouth-sizzling hot sauce, especially those of us who like Mexican food. Now listen to this: God loves hot sauce, and wants us to be like it. You see, tasteless, fizzles, cold Christianity makes God sick. He just can’t stand it. In fact, he’d rather you be ice cold any day instead of lukewarm every day. Don’t be distasteful to God. Tickle His taste buds by being a faithful follower of Jesus each day. Make a commitment today to trust in Jesus alone as Savior and Lord! Being Hot Sauce for the One True Boss of the entire universe is the only cool way to live!
Life is like the game of baseball. The goal is to get around all the bases and score a run. But every batter is up against nine players on the opposite team who will try hard to get him or her out. When Paul and Silas talked to believers, they reminded everyone that life, like baseball, is full of opposition. If you’re going through a difficult time, God hasn’t left you. In fact, it’s a sure sign that He loves you. Huh? You see, God allows all the players on His team to go through hard times. This is so we will learn to depend on His grace – His kindness and help – to get us from base to base. Receive God’s grace. It’s the only way to get to home base (Heaven). For by Grace I am saved through Faith. I Need Grace to Reach Home Base!
Jesus Part 2
There are so many ups and downs in life that we all feel like quitting sometimes. How about you? Are you facing something that feels so hard you don’t think you can follow God over that next hill? Please don’t quit. But do think about Jesus. As He followed God to the Cross to die for our sins, He thought about quitting. But He didn’t. He kept on looking to God for the strength to take one more step and climb one more hill. And God ironed out the way before Him. Then God made Him strong like iron so nothing could keep Him from following God’s plan. Such “iron-will” strength is supernatural. It only comes from God. He gave it to Jesus. And He wants to give it to you. Don’t quit. Trust God. He has a wonderful surprise for you, just over that next hill. I Have the Iron Will to Follow God Over Any Hill!
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