CVCE Curriculum

We offer a Bible-based, non-denominational curriculum that makes learning fun for kids.

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Lesson 3 - 2nd Half

Jesus Loves

February 15, 2024

Hey, did you know God has a gift for you? God loves us too much to let us miss out on heaven, so He sent us a gift. That gift is a person—God’s own Son, Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins. All we have to do is believe in Jesus and reach out to accept Him like a gift. He’s better than any other gift we could ever get. Will you receive God’s gift right now? Please do. Jesus, God’s gift, is your only lift to heaven.

Lesson 2 - 2nd Half

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

February 8, 2024

Since few of us know much about sheep and shepherds, let’s just think about Jesus taking care of us the way a Seeing Eye dog cares for a person who is blind. Without a loyal guide dog always by their side, there are many things blind people couldn’t do. And without Jesus as our guide, we wouldn’t be able to get around the many problems that could trip us up. No matter what you’re going through, Jesus is the guide by your side forever.

Lesson 1 - 2nd Half

Jeopardy Review

February 5, 2024

An anchor is a heavy, metal gizmo that’s attached to a rope and thrown overboard to keep a boat from moving. Jesus is the anchor that holds on from above. It’s as if Jesus has a super-long rope tied to his waist that hangs down to earth all the way from heaven. This rope is permanently tied around your waist, so you’re connected to Jesus no matter where you go. Jesus is my ready, steady anchor.

Lesson 14

Jesus Prays

February 5, 2024

When you study God’s Word you can follow it like a map. You can learn about God’s plans for you. You can talk to Him in prayer! He will listen. But you’ve got to first stick God’s Word—the Bible-His map— inside your thinking cap, or it will never happen. I carry God’s map in my thinking cap.

Lesson 13

Jesus is Tempted

February 5, 2024

Sometimes when people go fishing, a fish bites so hard that it takes the bait “hook, line, and sinker.” That means the fish not only swallows the bait and hook, but it swallows even the little metal sinker that keeps the hook below the water. That’s one hungry fish! When we say that a person swallows something “hook, line, and sinker,” it means the person believes everything about it. That’s how God wants us to believe his Word, the Bible. He wants us to take it in “hook, line, and sinker” so we understand it, believe it, and obey it. God’s Book keeps us away from sin and hooked on the right stuff. I’ve swallowed the Book hook, line, and sinker.

Lesson 12

Jesus Gets Baptized

February 5, 2024

Like a chameleon blends in with their environment, some new believers in Jesus try to blend into the world. Don’t change your colors to match lifestyles of others around you. Don’t blend in! Stand out, read your Bible, and follow Jesus!

Lesson 11

Jesus Provides

February 5, 2024

All my troubles are like bubbles ready to burst. The very worst things in life down here will burst and give way to the joys of heaven up there.

Lesson 9

Jesus Calms the Storm

February 5, 2024

My knees hit the floor when I hear the devil roar. When you hear the devil roar during difficult times, you can stand firm by letting your knees hit the floor in prayer.

Lesson 8

Jesus is Born

February 5, 2024

The Lion of the tribe of Judah was pointing to only one person, Jesus himself, God in human form. This truth is important because it completes the promise and prophecy written in God's word (The Bible). Jesus is the bold Lion of the tribe of Judah.

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