Lesson 3

Introduction to Evangelism

October 21, 2024

Jesus gave His life for us. He loved us so much that He died in our place. But He came back to life so we can live for God. And someday we can live with Him. Your heart must open up and receive Jesus’ gift of salvation. God’s love for you is Great and His Gift is free.

Introduction to Evangelism

Introduction to Evangelism

For the wages of sin is death…

Wages is payment for something you’ve done; typically, we hear about wages as the paycheck our parents get for going to work at their job.

Sin is things we say, or do, or even think, that disobeys God’s rules and goes against the way He wants us to live.

Death is commonly understood as the time when our physical bodies stop being alive, but spiritually it means being separated from God. 

The free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord…

Gift is something that is given to you without you doing anything, or paying anything, to earn it or deserve it.

Eternal life means to be with God in heaven after life here on earth is over.

This verse means…

    Our sin has earned all of us death (eternal separation from God), but God has given us the opportunity to live with Him forever in heaven if we just accept it as a free gift from Him.

The Gospel Hand

    There are people all around us who are headed for that bad place called hell, and because we love them, we should be shouting out the good news to them that Jesus paid the price for their sins on the cross and they can go to heaven if they put their faith in Him.

With our very own hand as a map, we can share the “Good News”.

Thumb - HEAVEN (thumbs up points to heaven)

               Heaven is a free gift

Pointer - MAN (wagging finger at man because man is a sinner)      

               Man is a sinner and can’t earn his way to heaven

Middle - GOD (the tallest finger because God is above all)                    

               But God loves us

Ring -      JESUS (ring finger because we commit to follow Jesus)

               So, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins

Pinky -    FAITH (smallest finger because even if our faith is small/weak at times, it’s still all we need to get to heaven)

               If we have faith in Jesus, we can have the free gift of heaven

Read, Pray, Share!

Memory Verse

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. ”
– Romans 6:23
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