Lesson 12

Jesus Part 1

January 20, 2025

The Bible is one huge picture-book story about the glory of God. It paints picture after picture of the great things God did to bring glory to His name. To give someone glory simply means to bring honor to that person. When we follow God’s ways, we honor Him and give Him glory. But the greatest picture-book story about the glory of God is Jesus. Everything He said and did while He lived on earth is a perfect picture of the one true God-because Jesus is God! Would you like to get to know God better? If so, just keep reading His book and following the pictures. Jesus is the Picture Book Story of God’s Amazing Glory!

Jesus Part 1

Jesus Part 1

Jesus is God

When Jesus left heaven, He came to earth and was born as a baby in a manger, He was flesh and blood, just like us. He did not stop being God and He did not become less of God. He has always been fully God and always will be fully God. Jesus is the only man who ever claimed to be God and did the miracles to back it up. The most amazing miracle of all was rising from the dead. That’s what makes Christianity unique!

How did Jesus prove He was God?

    Only one man in history demonstrated through His actions that He was supernatural. Jesus healed the sick, the lame, and the blind. He controlled the wind and the seas. On several occasions, He even raised people from the dead. His own death was followed by His resurrection and His ascension into heaven.

Why was it important that He lived a perfect life?

    Only someone who had lived a perfect life could meet God’s holy standard of perfection. He lived the perfect life that we cannot live and therefore He met God’s requirement for payment for sin.

Why did Jesus have to die?

    Because we were held captive by sin, a ransom had to be paid for us. That ransom was the death of a sinless person, Jesus Christ. Jesus was that perfect One. He paid our ransom when He died on the cross for us. In the Old Testament, the Jews paid for their sins by sacrificing lambs. A lamb had to be perfect in order to be an acceptable sacrifice for sin. Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God. He came and lived a perfect life so He could pay the price for our sins, which was required by God’s justice. God sent Him to pay the price for our sins, to pay the penalty for sin, once and for all.

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