Lesson 7

Jesus is Healer

February 5, 2024

See God’s power in action. As you learn to trust God, problems bigger than mountains will start moving away. And nothing will be impossible.

Jesus is Healer

Jesus Healed People

As word spread that Jesus could heal people, many came to Him. They formed large crowds around Him. By performing miraculous healings, Jesus was showing the crowds that He really was the Son of God or God the Son!

There were many people who thought Jesus was just an ordinary guy and they didn’t like when He spoke as if He was God. By performing miracles and healing people, it made the crowd realize that He was telling the truth. This was an important thing to Jesus, that the people would believe the truth.

We know Jesus is the ultimate healer of the condition we all share. Our condition is our sinful nature. We need healing from our sins.

Everyone - Jesus is available to everyone.

Cry Out - To receive Jesus’s healing, you have to cry out to Him. Pray!

Faith - The key to receiving healing/salvation from Jesus is having faith in Him.

Death - Jesus had power over death itself.

He saves you from the death sentence of your sin. He makes a way for you to live forever in heaven with Him!

Read, Pray, Share!

Worship Songs

Memory Verse

“A vast crowd brought to Him people who were lame, blind, crippled, those who couldn’t speak, and many others. They laid them before Jesus, and He healed them all.”
– Matthew 15:30
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