Lesson 9

Jesus Calms the Storm

February 5, 2024

My knees hit the floor when I hear the devil roar. When you hear the devil roar during difficult times, you can stand firm by letting your knees hit the floor in prayer.

Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus Calms the Storm

     The wind was howling, the rain was pouring down, the waves were crashing, and the boat was rocking, swaying, and being tossed around as it filled with water. The disciples were downright terrified. Jesus simply told the wind and the waves to be calm and they did.

     We might never be in a storm at sea, but we’ve all been in situations where we’ve felt afraid, nervous, or anxious like the disciples were feeling on that boat. Jesus has the power and authority to do whatever He wants, and it’s true that He loves us perfectly, it does not mean that He will always take away the storms we encounter.

     When God doesn’t calm the storm in your life, He can instead calm the storm in you. When you cry out to Him to calm the raging storm, He can work in you and calm you down from the inside out. Your circumstances may not be changed, but you will be changed.

Read, Pray, Share!

Memory Verse

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you. ”
– 1 Peter 5:7
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