Lesson 1 - 2nd Half

Jeopardy Review

February 5, 2024

An anchor is a heavy, metal gizmo that’s attached to a rope and thrown overboard to keep a boat from moving. Jesus is the anchor that holds on from above. It’s as if Jesus has a super-long rope tied to his waist that hangs down to earth all the way from heaven. This rope is permanently tied around your waist, so you’re connected to Jesus no matter where you go. Jesus is my ready, steady anchor.

Jeopardy Review

Jeopardy Review

We are more than halfway through the year. We’ve learned some really important things about salvation, God’s Word, and lots about Jesus! Hear is a summary of our Jeopardy Review Game.  

    True or False - Is Jesus God? - Does God have grandchildren? - Are your prayers only heard if you close your eyes? -Is it a sin to be tempted? - Must you be baptized to get into heaven?

    The Bible -The Bible is divided into 2 main parts. - The Old Testament (39 books–before Jesus) - The New Testament (27 books–during and after Jesus) - There are 66 Books in the Bible. -The 2 books in the Bible named after women are Ruth and Esther. - David wrote many songs in the book of Psalms.

    Salvation - Sin is when we think, say, or do something that goes against what God wants. - Jesus paid the price for our sins. - Death is the wages for sin. - How do you get to Heaven? -Can you earn your way to Heaven by being good?

    Miscellaneous – Jesus was sleeping on the boat during the storm. - Healings Jesus did - crippled man, blind men, Roman officer’s servant, Lazarus raised from the dead, paralyzed man with faithful friends, woman sick for 12 years who touched His robe. - Jesus used Bible Verses to resist the devil’s temptations. - Jesus provided bread and fish to feed thousands on the hill.

    Memory Verses- “Buteveryone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” - “In those days, when you pray, I will listen…” - “I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” is in the book of Psalms. - 2 Corinthians 5:17tells us we have become a new creation if we belong to Jesus.

Jeopardy Review is a fun way to make sure everything we have been learning sticks.

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Worship Songs

Memory Verse

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
– Hebrews 13:8
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